

2010-03-23 12:30

Good Morning!(*^ー^*)

I went to record for my regular show 『MANO-DELI』 on FM FUJI in the morning today.ε=┏( ・∀・)┛
I had a lot of things to say even though it's early morning (*´艸`)

From now on,there's a gathering and scenario reading for the theatre 『Photogenic』 in April!!!

I'm nervous...
My heart is beating quite fast Σ(´Д`;)

I'll freshen up and persist on so that I won't lose to anyone!(@>ω<)ノ★゛

The photo is of the sky that can be seen from the train platform.(●´∀`●)
Although it's cold,I really like today's weather(´∀`人)

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