

2010-03-23 12:30

Good Morning!(*^ー^*)

I went to record for my regular show 『MANO-DELI』 on FM FUJI in the morning today.ε=┏( ・∀・)┛
I had a lot of things to say even though it's early morning (*´艸`)

From now on,there's a gathering and scenario reading for the theatre 『Photogenic』 in April!!!

I'm nervous...
My heart is beating quite fast Σ(´Д`;)

I'll freshen up and persist on so that I won't lose to anyone!(@>ω<)ノ★゛

The photo is of the sky that can be seen from the train platform.(●´∀`●)
Although it's cold,I really like today's weather(´∀`人)


2010-03-22 22:50

After evening,the one idling on the soda is now my father...笑

As I received an invitation from my co-star in Koisuru Hello Kitty,Hashimoto Atsushi to watch his performance,I went to watch.ε=┏( ・∀・)┛

There's laughter and songs and tears.Everyone's passionate performance really touched me☆+゜

It's a long time since I last watched a theatre performance!
I thought to myself"Just as I thought.Theatres are good!"(*^ー^*)

As the rehearsal for the theatre performance in April starts from tomorrow,this is a good motivation!

I'll change into theatre mode and persist on!(@>ω<)ノ★゛

This photo was taken yesterday(。・∀・。)ノ
Reading the script during my spare time in the photograph session(ハ。・∀・*)



2010-03-22 14:54

Mano Erina who's idling in a sofa right now (●´∀`●)

Today was a compensatory holiday!
So I went to my father's place...笑

The Mano family on an off-day will be fighting over the sofa!<(`^´)>笑

The potato salad...
I can't stand the texture and taste of it.(pω・。)

It makes me go ー(/n\;).

However,I can eat mashed potato.(・∪・*)

By the way,my father also don't like potato salad I think.Σ(´Д`;)
When he's a high-school student,whenever he buy and tries to eat it,he won't be able to...笑

All of you have your own things you dislike you right!
I understand if you like tomato but dislike tomato juice.(。・∀・。)ノ
Although I can drink it,I don't really like it o(・ω・`)o

Also,I wasn't able to eat liver three years ago.(^∀^;
But bit by bit,I finally managed to "conquer" over it(ハ。・∀・*)

Was this photo taken one week ago(・・?)
I took it because it looks like a school☆+゜


2010-03-22 11:32

Good Morning! (*^ー^*)

Today is a rare off-day.(´∀`人)
I was in bed by 9:30.♪

What should I do today...

I have a rehearsal soon but I'm starting to forget the lines for the script

By the way,during yesterday's photograph session,I had an enemy in my lunch box. Σ(´Д`;)

Its name is ...

『Potato Salad』.

I always disliked it ever since I was little(pω・。)
But since I had graduated from senior high school and I'm turning 19,I thought I'll brave up and try it again...

The result was...


As expected I still can't eat it (/_\;)
Just one bite was enough to sink me...

But I managed to "conquer" over the taste of shashimi.

What's the thing that makes you "No!Definitely not this!"?